Friday, April 20, 2007

Lake of Tears...

Without any intended reference to the band with the same name, I created this post (containing a few photos from April 2007) to show some shots of the famous lake from Ipotesti, near Botosani, Romania.
It's a very well known lake here in Romania, mostly due to the fact that in most of his great poems, the famous Mihai Eminescu describes this lake using great, heart-touching metaphors.

Once you actually get there though, you totally understand that nothing in those poems is exaggerated, it's indeed a sight that words simply cannot describe...

So, when I titled it "Lake of Tears", I guess I was actually thinking about tears of joy, in front of a natural beauty... (my photos don't do it justice, but these were the best I have so far)

The Picasa Web Album containing these (and 2 more):
Lake of Tears...

PS. The article will be archived later as an entry for 2007.


  1. Beautiful landscapes. Greetings.

  2. superbe, imi amintesc de primavara, care nu mai vine

  3. @MAROMOS MOUNTAIN, Thanks! Stay in touch ;)

  4. @ARIPI DE FLUTURE, multumesc pentru apreciere! Intr-adevar, ar cam trebui sa vina primavara, nu? :)

  5. Beautiful landscape, the one with a beautiful contrast, good works.

  6. Thanks @Roland for the nice words! Appreciate it!

  7. man, I 1st thought you were referring to the "lake" just outside Ludus, on your way to Cluj... and of course, in this context, I also thought about other kind of tears... :)) I'm really glad I was wrong...

  8. :)) @BigMarry, know what you mean... you'd need to be the ultimate photographer to capture that sensation...

  9. Foarte faine..a 2-a cu totul deosebita !!!

  10. Multumesc mult, @Adi!


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