Sunday, October 25, 2009


Intr-unul din weekend-urile acestei toamne am mers pana in Timisoara.
Un oras foarte frumos, spatios, cu strazi largi, si cu foarte multe parcuri. Cladiri vechi si mentalitati noi. Am ramas placut impresionat de acest oras...

[RO] pagina Wiki despre Timisoara
[EN] the Wiki page about Timisoara

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Din balcon...

Bulevardul 1 Decembrie, raul Somes si parcul Babes... in diferite momente (din ultimii doi ani)... cateva detalii cu soseaua si Somesul...

Friday, October 09, 2009

Grossglockner - Ep 6 - Say Goodbye

Unfortunatley the days of vacation in Austria were over, we needed to head back. So we took off @ about 5:30 AM (Austria time). Some final shots of the mountains and the road (as if they were saying goodbye).
Well, hope to be able to see these mountains again.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Grossglockner - Ep 5 - The Peak

So, off we went to see the Grossglockner peak up close.
The road that leads to the peak was great, we couldn't help to stop by and admire the scenery Smile...

We got to the observation point and parked the car.
It was colder here (that huge glaciar @ 3700 meters sure made it feel colder) and we stayed to admire the view, but not for too long (OK, there were people in some sort of shorts and mountain boots - didn't seem to care about the cold - that was weird - I guess they were hiking to get warm).

Then, coming back, we noticed this incredible mountain lake. We stopped by and the temperature was way better there - we spent probably another hour there.

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