Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Moving On...

Time is moving on without saying a word... I got to 75 "daily" photos and a lot of stuff happened in the meantime... it's always unbelievable how fast we're moving forward and how fast our experiences get archived as we discover new ones...

I'd like to present you with "Daily Photo # 75"
I decided to call it "seaside sunrise..." for obvious reasons.
seaside sunrise...

Now, if you have the time, here's a slide-show that contains these first 75 pics (needs Flash Player installed). Hope you do not get bored and hope you'll be checking the series again soon.


  1. frumoasa colectie, plina de viata.. Hristos a inviat!

  2. @S-Hell, multumesc mult, keep in touch!

  3. @S-Hell, din pacate nu mai am timpul necesar sa ma ocup de aceasta serie zilnica.
    Am ajuns la concluzia asta dupa cca 85 imagini, insa s-au intamplat multe intre timp, situatia nu mai e cum era atunci cand am inceput seria.
    O sa incerc insa sa mentin blogul cat mai la zi iar pe Flickr sa pun cel putin cate o imagine pe saptamana...
    - Wish me luck!

  4. i wish you luck!:P cu vointa se poate orice..si timpul sta in loc pt 5-10 min.

  5. Thanks, @ S-Hell! Asa e, uneori e destul sa ai o vointa de fier.


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