Saturday, January 30, 2010

2 weeks...

It's been 2 weeks since I started the "Photo of the Day" experiment... Time flies when you're... working. So, 2 weeks... "a small step..." ... well, actually, that's what it is at this time, just a small step. However, I'm gonna continue with this initiative and see if I can make it at least a 1 year commitment.

In the meantime, here's a slide-show of the first 14 "Photo of the Day" entries (needs Flash Player installed).

Oh... One more thing... The "daily" pictures are not chosen after any particular criteria. I just want to present pictures from the early days (when we had a tiny D-Link DSC-350 camera), moving up (to a very friendly Sony DSC-S600 we loved taking pictures with) until current days (currently using an extremely helpful Sony DSC-H50).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Reloaded...

Who expected that a couple of snowy days was going to be it?
Not even close... winter is still in!

Here are some pics my wife and I took this weekend in Ludus, my hometown.
BTW, -10*C was not a very nice temperature to shoot outside :)
We would have captured a few more stuff if our hands weren't freezing on the camera.

More images here (started to take advantage more of my "Picasa Web Albums" folder)
Winter (Reloaded)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another Walk in Cluj...

Although we often go for a walk downtown in Cluj, I don't seem to remember to bring my camera along. And there are a lot of interesting subjects out there, especially old buildings and urban artwork.

Here's a small series of shots taken in the "Avram Iancu" square.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Daily Photo Commitment

OK, so I have gathered a lot of photos and I'd like to make a "small" experiment.

We'll call it the "Daily Photo" commitment.
The object will be to upload a new photo each day (an older one from my archive or even a new one taken that day). I'll use my Flickr photostream for storage and I'll show the "Photo of the Day" right here in my side-bar.

Let's see how it goes! I for one am looking forward to the challenge.


După cum ştiţi, au trecut 160 de ani de la naşterea lui Mihai Eminescu.

Prima dată cand am fost la Ipoteşti, am rămas foarte impresionat de vestitul lac al lui Eminescu. Liniştea pădurii (ale cărei poteci le-am străbătut înainte de a ajunge la lac), priveliştea superbă a luciului de apă aflat chiar în pădure (şi chiar nuferii care-şi arătau discret florile deasupra apei) m-au cucerit imediat.

Am făcut atunci această fotografie (cu o veche cameră VGA)...

Chiar şi acum, după câţiva ani buni (şi chiar dacă e de o calitate precară) imaginea încă îmi readuce o senzaţie placută in suflet şi imi reaminteşte de versurile acestea:
"Fiind băiet păduri cutreieram
Şi mă culcam ades lângă izvor,
Iar braţul drept sub cap eu mi-l puneam
S-aud cum apa sună-ncetişor..."

In memoriam Mihai Eminescu (15 ianuarie 1850 - 15 iunie 1889)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On The Road - Ep. 3 - Winter Edition

A dedicated Winter Edition of "On The Road" series...

These photos were taken on the E58 route from Suceava to Gura Humorului (somewhere around Ilisesti):

View Larger Map

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Top 5 Stories - 2009

Here's a countdown of the top 5 posts that gathered the most views in 2009 (statistics were generated using Google Analytics, but the data was only recorded from September 1st until December 31st):

# 5 - Santa Barbara - More Pictures (80 views)

# 4 - From the balcony... (91 views)

# 3 - November Sunset (106 views)

# 2 - On The Road - Episode 1 (116 views)

# 1 - Cluj - An Afternoon... (154 views)

Thousand thanks to all visitors and... stay in touch for what will hopefully be an interesting 2010!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Still Winter ...

Two more photos with some winter feel... because it's still supposed to be winter (even with the weird temperature changes we had lately)...

Nera playing in the snow...

Man carrying a bag with the sleigh...
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