Wednesday, December 01, 2010


1 Decembrie, ziua Romaniei...

Stim in fiecare zi ca traim in Romania... stim ca tara asta mai are mult de recuperat, stim ca nu merg toate cum ar fi bine sa mearga (de fapt nu prea merg deloc multe lucruri), ne vine de multe ori sa plecam (unii mai putin, altii mai mult) in special inspre apus...
Uitand insa (macar pentru o zi) de toate astea, putem sarbatori Romania ca pe o tara frumoasa, si sa ne amintim de momentele si intamplarile bune pe care le-am trait in tara asta...

Am incercat sa adun si eu cele mai reprezentative 50 imagini (din cele pe care le am), imagini care sa ma faca sa zambesc sau sa imi aminteasca momente placute cu, despre si din Romania...

Toate cele 50 imagini sunt accesibile pe Picasa Web Albums aici:

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Mountain Pathway - Transfagarasan

Yes, finally this summer we made it on Transfagarasan, probably the coolest driving experience (on-road) in Romania. I was really looking forward to this since the summer of 2009, when we first discovered the Grossglockner high alpine road.

Even if the Alps and the Carpathians are pretty similar (the mountains that the Transfagarasan road crosses are actually called "the Alps of Transylvania") I guess it would be kinda unfair to compare the two roads... first of all, the Austrian alpine road goes higher up in altitude (a definite plus in terms of driving complexity), secondly the Romanian road was more crowded with motorists (when I went there) and it has way more asphalt holes (notice I used the present tense - since I know for sure they did not fix it in the meantime).

Overall I'd just like to say that the Transfagarasan is definitely an experience that must not be missed.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Morning Coffe

It's the second Sunday morning in a row now that my wife and I are drinking our coffe in a very nice Jazz-themed Cafe downtown.
I think it'll turn into a habit.
Also kinda proved that free wi-fi, a plain old 2MP camera and qwerty keyboard on a cell phone are the best ingredients for a blog post "on the run"...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The beach...

The second stop of our vacation this year was a brief encounter with the sea... Got a few shots of the sunrise and during the night...

I turned up the color saturation and warmness of the camera just to experiment and it appears some of the sunrise shots came out looking like sunsets... well, I kinda liked the outcome and wanted to share them anyway...

Some shots during the night...

And a bit too sharpened half full moon...

The pics (BTW, taken in Eforie Sud, Romania) are also placed in a Picasa Web Album here, along with a few more ones:
The Beach...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Peace in the Mountains

A place to get away from it all... a place to gather your thoughts and re-discover yourself... a place to leave all the extra baggage you felt you had to carry there...

Is this it? I don't know, kinda worked for me...

Heiligenblut (1300 meters) - Austrian Alps

And a few more images here:
Peace in the Mountains - Austria 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cloudy Sunset

Managed to capture these in an ordinary (pretty dull) evening. Interesting thing is that this kind of images pass before our eyes almost every day... We're most likely just too busy, too bored or too ignorant to stop for only a few seconds and appreciate them...

Also placed these images in a Picasa Web Album...
Cloudy Sunset

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Sonisphere 2010

Last weekend Bucharest was shaken down by some of the greatest rock bands in the world! Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Rammstein, Anathema, Manowar, Paradise Lost, Accept... never thought I'd see'em all in a single weekend in Romania.

Great concerts, great crowd, great atmosphere!
And it was great being part of it!

Oh and there are a few more shots from the event in the corresponding Picasa Web Album:
Sonisphere 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1st of May 2010

Vidolm is a small mountain village not too far from Cluj-Napoca. A place where you kinda get the feeling that time stood still for a few ages...

That's where we ran off to spend the 1st of May this year... and it really was a good choice.

And as usual there are a few more ones on the Picasa Web Album...
1st of May 2010
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