I cannot tell you how much this image reminded me about the beginning verses of this famous poem: "Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..." Sleep well, everyone!
I thought you may want to listen to Bing Crosby playing "White Christmas" while reading this:
Bing Crosby - White Christmas
It's amaizing how these small symbols are always reminding us about this great holiday. Even when I look at this kind of images in the summer time, I instantly think about snowy, cold weather outside and warm, nice atmosphere inside, together with the loved ones...
And who can forget about the look of the Christmas tree (decorated with so much attention and care)? And besides the great ornaments that totally bring a joyful note in the house, there are always presents waiting under the tree, when every child that's been nice all year gets a surprise... even the child inside each of us...
Merry Christmas Everyone! And may your Holidays be filled with joy, happiness and very, very much love!
"Feleacu" - the hill you need to climb & descend when entering Cluj (when coming on the E60 road from Mures). - Autumn of 2006
A segment of road full of snow & ice on E60, near Ludus (that pick-up in front was dancing around in a pretty scary manner - fortunately nothing happened to it, but we did see 4 other cars in the ditches on only 5 kilometers of road that day...) - Winter of 2007 (February)
The start of a very nice sunset, also on the E60 road near Ludus (too bad we ran out of battery power after this one...) - Summer of 2008
Climbing up towards the "Tihuta" pass - the main route from Transylvania to Moldavia. - Autumn of 2009
...to be continued...
PS. Sorry I did not take the time to search and include the Google maps URLs - I'll try to update later.