[RO] Romana
As fi vrut initial sa pastrez blogul pe 2 pagini distincte, una in EN si una in RO. Asta pt ca am vrut sa fac viata mai usoara tuturor celor care il vizioneaza.
Avand in vedere ca nu am mai adaugat imagini sau comments din Iunie 2008 (o sa adaug in urma, pt ca vreau sa pastrez cronologia), a mentine 2 bucati de blog e exclus pt mine...
Asa ca entry-urile care vor fi in Romana vor avea de acum un tag [RO] iar cele in Engleza un tag [EN], pt a putea fi identificate usor.
Asta e... ne descurcam :)
[EN] English
I wish I could have kept the blog on 2 distinct pages, one in EN and one in RO. That's because I wanted to make all reader's lives easier.
Seeing as how I did not add any new images or comments since June 2008 (I am gonna add them backwards to keep the time-line & order), maintaining 2 pieces of blog is out of the question for me...
So... entries in Romanian will now have a [RO] tag and the English ones a [EN] tag, to be easily spotted.
That's it... we'll live with it :)