Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sunset in Ludus

An afternoon in my home town gave me the chance to capture a pretty interesting sunset. The interesting thing is that the first shot is taken only 1 minute before the second one (however, for the first one my orientation was towards the North, while for the second one it was towards the West).

[Note] this got archived later as an entry for April 2006, to keep the chronology of events... because I didn't have the time to post it at the right time...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ludus - poze de pe deal - soseaua E60 inspre Mures

Niste poze din orasul meu natal, Ludus.
E60 (Soseaua Europeana 60) trece prin acest oras, urcand sinuos pe dealul de la marginea orasului. Pozele sunt facute dintr-unul din punctele mai inalte (unde vizibilitatea e destul de buna). Va trebui sa fac niste poze de acolo si vara...

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